Energy transitions involve changing roles for businesses, communities, public bodies and energy consumers. The changes involved bring many benefits, but they can also be disruptive and possibly contested.
If we are to navigate successfully through energy transitions, we need to pay attention to institutions and organisations, economics and markets, to cities and villages, to the knowledge and practices of experts as well as end-users, and to ethics, values and interests. We work across scales, from global to local, and understand and support how energy futures are made in practice. Our expertise is drawn from the fields such as social sciences, business, geography, law and design.
School of Social and Political Science: Kirsten Jenkins, Claire Haggett, Jan Webb, Ronan Bolton, Mark Winskel, Faye Wade, Jess Britton, Sarah Parry
School of GeoSciences: Dan van der Horst, Stuart Haszeldine
School of Law: Navraj Singh Ghaleigh
School of Engineering: Camilla Thomson, Henry Jeffrey
Business School: Theodor Cojoianu
Edinburgh College of Art: Soledad Garcia Ferrari
Highlighted project:
Oil and Gas Transitions project: https://oilandgastransitions.org/