Special issue of climate journal guest-edited by SPS academic provides new evidence and perspectives for COP28 negotiations
The new research published in the issue calls for more ambitious net zero targets and demonstrates the urgent need to ensure ‘just transitions’ in the phase-out of oil and gas; these are transitions that avoid perverse incentives, mitigate job losses, engage the public around just transition processes and steer investment to new clean energy and industry solutions. This research emerges as conversations over oil and gas are ongoing at COP28, and calls mount for a formal energy transition deal at the climate summit.
This special issue covers globally diverse country contexts including from the Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Guyana, Suriname, Uganda, Lebanon, Somalia, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Canada. Central to each paper is an examination of the potential of uniting market-led oil and gas just transitions with net zero emission ambitions, while ensuring fair outcomes for workers and communities across the whole oil and gas value chain.
The special issue was inspired by the Oil and Gas Transitions project, co-led by Climate Strategies and the Stockholm Environment Institute.